Why SERVPRO Photo Gallery

Frosted Christmas Tree with Blue, White, and Orange SERVPRO Ornaments

How Many Days Until Christmas?

Are you ready for Christmas? We love to decorate our office and get in the holiday spirit. Our Christmas tree is a little extra festive with SERVPRO ornaments. Follow the link below to keep up-to-date on how many days are left until this special time of year:


SERVPRO training center room with projector screen and rows of tables and chairs

Knowledge is Power - SERVPRO Training Center

Knowledge is power and we are always keeping up with our knowledge to be our best for our clients. We're thankful for our local SERVPRO training center and the opportunity to always grow. What are you growing in today? What knowledge are you sharing with those around you?

Employee dressed as Peter Pan at our booth at an expo

San Diego County Apartment Association Expo

What a happy day at the San Diego County Apartment Association Happiest Expo on Earth! Congrats to all of you who earned their wings and can fly to Neverland with us and thank you for stopping by our booth. You did amazing at Captain Hook’s Ring Toss! We will fly to you in your restoration needs! 

Employee with her Claims Professional of the Year award on a plaque.

Claims Professional of the Year Award

What a great time we had at the Installation Dinner for San Diego Association of Insurance Professionals! Our Marketing Representative, Liron, received the award for Claims Professional of the Year! What a celebration of great professionals in the industry!