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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Winter Has Come

12/4/2019 (Permalink)

It was just a few weeks ago when temperatures were in the 80's with the sun shining. The past week has brought a lot of rain and we are so thankful for it given the amount of forest fires this season. For the month of November San Diego received more rain than Seattle, Washington. Can you believe it? With this large and unexpected sudden downpour of rain, flooding is imminent. We have put together a few tips below on making sure you are ready for possible flash floods:

  • Purchase flood insurance if you live in a potential flood zone. Many basic insurance policies do not cover flooding.
  • Set up a sump-pump in your basement with a back up battery in case the power goes out.
  • Elevate electrical components that can become a hazard if they get wet.
  • Pay attention to flood alerts and prepare to have detours on your commute home from work.

If your home experiences water or flood damage, we are here to help!

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