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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Another Dry Fire Season

11/7/2019 (Permalink)

As Southern California enters its fall and winter season, many fires have already engulfed the area. We haven't had much rain in the past 7 months, raising the danger for wildfires extremely high. The dry ground and Santa Ana winds combined are a dangerous combo. Additionally, the Santa Ana winds bring dry air. The risk of wildfires is expected to remain high for the rest of the year, according to the National Weather Service's (NWS) Wildland Fire Potential Outlook, which forecasts "above normal significant wildfire potential" for November and December in parts of Northern and Southern California. Although we are out of a drought water-storage wise, the land is critically dry. Luckily San Diego hasn't experienced an extreme fire since The Witch Fire in 2007. However many people in LA County live in the wild lands that are susceptible to wind-whipped fires.

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