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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Smoke Alarms Save Lives

10/6/2019 (Permalink)

Smoke alarms play a crucial role in saving lives, and when properly installed and maintained, can reduce the risk of fire deaths and injuries in half. The National Fire Protection Association recommends that smoke alarms be installed in the following places:

  • every bedroom
  • outside all sleeping quarters
  • on each level of the home

Smoke alarms will help alert you to a fire but it is also a good idea to have a fire escape plan. A plan will allow your family, employees or clients to escape quickly and safely in an emergency situation. Don't forget to also practice this drill twice a year/

Smoke Alarm Safety Tips

  • Smoke alarms shouldn't be installed in a kitchen because they can prevent false alarms. Generally, they should be at least 10 feet from a cooking appliance. 
  • Make it a monthly habit to test smoke alarms by pressing the "test" button. 
  • Replace batteries in all smoke alarms at least once a year. If an alarm "chirps", don't be tempted to remove it and put it in a closet. This means the battery is low and needs to be replaced right away.
  • When smoke alarms are 10 years old they should be replaced.

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