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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Can Moldy Contents Be Restored?

10/1/2019 (Permalink)

If you have mold damage in your home it is important to have it professionally re-mediated. One question we often get from customers is if their contents and furniture can be saved. Every year after the rainy season we see an increase in mold claims. 

Here are a few items we recommend discarding if they contain mold damage:

  • Clothing, blankets, and bedding (even after laundering the odor can still linger)
  • Bath toys
  • Books and any paper contents

So what can be cleaned and restored? Hard surface plastic, wood, and non-porous surfaces and contents can sometimes be cleaned.

We understand that special and sentimental items are important and although we may recommend they be discarded, sometimes they can be restored but not suitable for use.

If your home has more than 10sf of visible mold we recommend having an independent assessment completed. This way you can have a report on which items will need to be discarded.

For mold issues or concerns, call SERVPRO of La Mesa and Lemon Grove! 858-527-1144 we are available 24/7

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