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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Storm Preparedness

6/10/2019 (Permalink)

Are your prepared for a storm? San Diego's city crews work hard preparing storm drains, roadways, and city facilities for the winter months. 

They also need our help as residents and business owners to make sure we are ready.

Before it rains:

  • Use the Get It Done app to report blocked storm drains, potholes, and broken street lights.
  • Sign up for Alert San Diego notifications on your cellular device.
  • Prepare sandbags ahead of time if you live in an area that is potential to flood.

When rain arrives:

  • Flooding can be reported to the city's emergency dispatch center at 619-527-7500.
  • Report downed electrical lines or gas emergencies to San Diego Gas & Electric at 800-411-7343.
  • Drive carefully and allow extra time on your commute getting home or to work.

After rain passes:

  • To report structural damage to your property or residence, call the City's emergency dispatch center at 619-527-7500.
  • Contact your property insurance carrier to report damages to your property and learn how to file a claim with the City for flood damage.

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